– Digital piracy: “Notice and stay down” a comment to the landmark decision of the Turin Court (Sistema Società, 22 May 2017);
– Vivian an Xyza, the art of capturing the world (Diritto 24, March 5, 2015)
– IP Infringements in the Fashion Industry under 231/2001 decree (Rivista 231, November 2014)
– US Patent Office rules that “Redskins” trademarks are racists (Diritto 24, 3 September 2014)
- The ‘secretes’ of fashion (Diritto 24, 30 June 2014)
- Pinterest lose 1st round in the Community TM battle (Il Sole 24 Ore, 22 Febbraio 2014) [LINK]
- Keyword advertising and trademark protection (Beesness, April 2013) [PDF]
- “Creative character” and “artistic value” of design works (Sistema Società, 26 Febbraio 2013)
- Commercial lease under Italian applicable law (MonitorImmobiliare, November 2012) [PDF]
- New Courts in Italy: matter of jurisdiction or internal procedures of assignment? (Sistema Società, October 22, 2012)
- Simpler assignment to the new Italian Company Courts (Il Sole 24 Ore October 9, 2012)
- Clauses on on-line sale in franchising contracts (Beesness 4/2012)[PDF]
- The trademark cannot wait (Beesness 2/2012)[PDF]
- New Italian procedures to help IP rights protections (Il Sole 24 Ore, September 2, 2010) [PDF]
- New changes in IP Italian Code (Il Sole 24 Ore, April 14, 2010) [PDF]
- Italian new trademarks opposition proceedings (Il Sole 24 Ore, March 11, 2010) [PDF]
- Trademarks from well-known names to be authorized (Il Sole 24 Ore, May 15, 2009) [PDF]
- If it is “a Dior” cannot be put on sale (Il Sole 24 Ore, April 24, 2009) [PDF]
- Trademarks and designs: double protection (Il Sole 24 Ore, July 30, 2008) [PDF]
- Trademarks and patents are more protected by arbitration proceedings (Il Sole 24 Ore, July 20, 2008) [PDF]
- Parks and gardens pictures protection under Italian copyright law (Annual Meeting of Grandi Giardini Italiani – October 24, 2007)
- A test for Italian Privacy Code (Il Sole 24 Ore, August 6, 2007) [PDF]
- Urgent proceedings and copyright protection (Il Sole 24 Ore, July 6, 2007)
- New rules on design protection (Diritto e Pratica delle Società 11/2007)
- Italy extends design copyright protection (Il Sole 24 Ore, April 4, 2007) [PDF]
- To download files is fined (Il Sole 24 Ore, January 23, 2007) [PDF]
- Copyright protection for the design (Il Sole 24 Ore, January 3, 2007) [PDF]
- Bigger compensation for copyright violations (Il Sole 24 Ore, May 5, 2006) [PDF]
- Providers responsibility on copyright infringements (Il Sole 24 Ore, April 26, 2006)
- Trademark local use (Il Sole 24 Ore, April 24, 2006) [PDF]
- Up and down protection on videogames (Il Sole 24 Ore, April 10, 2006) [PDF]
- Copycat protection includes also packaging (Il Sole 24 Ore March 29, 2006)
- Typical use of somebody else’s trademark (Il Sole 24 Ore, February 20, 2006) [PDF]
- Music exclusive renting rights and damages in case of infringement (Il Merito, 03/06)
- Patent protects the idea not its result (Il Sole 24 Ore, November 23, 2005) [PDF]
- Just using the software in your company could constitute a criminal offence (Il Sole 24 Ore, November 2, 2005) [PDF]
Trademarks: a case when imitation doesn’t constitute a counterfeiting criminal offense (Diritto e Pratica delle Società n. 21/2005)
- New rules on Italian franchising law
- Transfer of employees and damages (Il Sole 24 Ore, October 12, 2005) [PDF]
- District Court of Bolzano doubts about the possibility of using criminal proceedings on trademark piracy (Il Sole 24 Ore, September 1, 2005) [PDF]
Composite trademarks and their distinctiveness (Il Sole 24 Ore, August 19, 2005) [PDF]
- Trademarks: distinctiveness could be reached gradually (Il Sole 24 Ore, August 11, 2005) [PDF]